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Учебник по английскому языку New English File Intermediate, New English File Intermediate Student's Book, издательство Oxford, уровень Intermediate.

. Билингвы и книги на иностранных языках. Назад в «Книги». Книги для детей. Назад в «Книги».

Комиксы, Манга, Артбуки. Назад в «Книги». Нехудожественная литература. Назад в «Книги». Религия.

Назад в «Книги». Учебная, методическая литература и словари. Назад в «Книги».

Художественная литература. Назад в «Книги».

Опис Обновленная редакция учебника A blend of completely new lessons, updated texts and activities, together with the refreshing and fine-tuning of some favourite lessons from New English File - English File third edition provides the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity to get students talking. English File third edition offers more support for teachers and students. Teacher's Book provides over 100 photocopiables to save preparation time, plus extra tips and ideas. ITools brings your classroom to life with the Student's Book, Workbook AND Teacher's Book photocopiable activities, on-screen and interactive. ITutor enables students to revise, review and catch up if they've missed a lesson with all audio and video, plus Grammar, Vocab, Pronunciation, Reading and Listening.

Students can learn and practise sounds, words and sentences in context - and take wherever they go - with the Pronunciation App. Sample materials available from the English File website. Super-flexible package provides everything needed - for both inside and outside the classroom. Improved texts and listening that motivate students to talk.

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Four-skills syllabus with a clear focus on pronunciation - plus Grammar Bank exercises for practice and activation of grammar. 'Real-world' In-The-Street interviews, Practical English motivating drama and documentary videos. Oxford Online Skills Program offers students targeted and motivating practice to improve reading, writing, listening and speaking. Teachers can also use our online Learning Management System to easily manage and measure student progress.

Progress tests for each File with clear signposting to additional related practice and reference. Copyright © 2009 ubd.org.ua. All rights reserved.

Учебник New English File Elementary Купить

Доставка во все областные центры Украины. Киев Харьков Одесса Днепропетровск Донецк Запорожье Львов Кривой Рог Николаев Мариуполь Луганск Севастополь Винница Макеевка Симферополь Херсон Полтава Чернигов Черкассы Житомир Сумы Хмельницкий Горловка Ровно Кировоград Днепродзержинск Черновцы Кременчуг Ивано-Франковск Тернополь Белая Церковь Луцк Краматорск Мелитополь Керчь Никополь Северодонецк Славянск Бердянск Ужгород Алчевск Павлоград Евпатория Лисичанск Каменец-Подольский.

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